Welcome to Mahatma Gandhi International Girls College Andhi

About Location

Mahatma Gandhi International Girls College is located to Thali Road (Near- N.H.-148 Jaipur- Dausa Highway) Andhi Jamwaramgarh Jaipur.
The day Mahatma Gandhi International Girls College came into existence a concept was born, a dream was realized. It had all started with an individual's yearning to do something noble; something great ; something that would bring internal satisfaction and fulfilment to him as well as to serve the society and in the long run the nation.
This idea was conceptualized and it was july 2010-11(session), when this institution took birth and started as a B.A. College with a humble & most unpretentious beginning. In the early age, the institution didn't have materialistic strength but the vision of noble mission was crystal clear in the minds of the mentors.
This ideological strength of the management & staff members propelled the mission forward to become a reckoned name. The result of everyone's tirelessly working, the school progressed, gained strength and reached its destination, the B.Ed. College status. this development isn't the result of any magic touch of the lamp of Aladdin, There's sweat; a great vision, a strong will to face challenges a great vision,a strong will to face challenges and above all a sprit of dedication to work.